Network Flexibility

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Data Assets: 9
network-flexibility Collection

SSEN Secondary Transformer - Asset Capacity and Low Carbon Technology Growth

The load model is a machine learning product which estimates a half-hourly annual demand profile for each household based on a series of demographic, geographic and heating type factors. To enable us to estimate capacity on the electricity network while protecting individual customers data privacy by using modelled data. These views are then aggregated up the networks hierarchy based on the combinations of customers associated with each asset. This view is supplemented with the forward Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) which highlight the expected impact of low carbon technology on the network (LCT) such as heat-pumps or electricity vehicles. The view demonstrated here represents a sample iteration of our evolving network capacity & load model - highlighting estimated peak usage against asset rating.

1 year ago

Seasonal Operability Report

The Seasonal Operability Report is a quarterly operational usage report, which will enable current and future providers of both flexibility services and distributed energy resources to understand how the SSEN Control Room has used various services in the past three months and highlight areas of potential curtailment in the future.

10 months ago

Orkney Active Network Management

Orkney Live provides real time information on the status of the Active Network Management System. Orkney Islands Electricity Demand: The graph shows the live demand for electricity as a proportion of the winter peak demand. The peak winter demand is a static figure that is reviewed annually by Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution (SHEPD). Orkney Islands Renewable Generation: The graph also shows the total live Orkney Islands renewable generation as a proportion of the total renewable capacity. The generation can be greater than the live demand, which means that the excess will be exported to the Scottish Mainland. The additional renewable generation attributable to the Orkney ANM system is shown as a proportion of the total renewable generation. The total renewable generation does not include the significant amount of microgeneration (

1 year ago

Flexibility Market Price Statement

This statement by SSEN provides the Exceeded Import Curtailment Price and Exceeded Export Curtailment Price using flexibility market data which has been determined in accordance with this Schedule 2D of the DCUSA. Separate statements are published for the SEPD and SHEPD Licence Areas.

1 year ago

Generation Availability and Network Capacity

Our Generation Availability and Contracted demand map for both north and south. Our map provides an indication of the networks capability to connect large-scale developments to major substations. Accompanying the map, the heat map spreadsheets for both of our network regions provides Grid Supply Point (GSP) details, GSP and substation transformer ratings, Fault level information, and contracted and quoted generation projects at each GSP.

1 year ago

Distribution Future Energy Scenarios Datasets

A Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) analysis for both the North of Scotland (SHEPD) and Southern England (SEPD) distribution network licence areas. LCT uptake scenario projections for EVs, electricity fuelled heating technologies and domestic rooftop solar PV capacity to secondary substation and feeder level, year by year, out to 2050.

1 year ago

NeRDA Opengrid Dashboard

The Near Real-time Data Access (NeRDA) Portal aims to examine how near real-time energy demand and usage data can be best used by stakeholders. The data identifies areas where flexibility could be used or where network reinforcement will be needed. NeRDA is intended to provide open data and share electricity demand estimates with stakeholders. The Portal currently contains EHV/HV datasets from SCADA, LV datasets from LV Monitoring devices, and Load modelling data. There are two ways to access the data using the NeRDA Portal: navigating to and around substations within the Portal itself or via API Access.

1 year ago