SSEN Substation Data
Details of SSEN Substations, their type and identification and location coordinates for both SEPD and SHEPD licence areas. Derived from the Shapefile data and presented separately here for convenience.
No description
Details of SSEN Substations, their type and identification and location coordinates for both SEPD and SHEPD licence areas. Derived from the Shapefile data and presented separately here for convenience.
The load model is a machine learning product which estimates a half-hourly annual demand profile for each household based on a series of demographic, geographic and heating type factors. To enable us to estimate capacity on the electricity network while protecting individual customers data privacy by using modelled data. These views are then aggregated up the networks hierarchy based on the combinations of customers associated with each asset. This view is supplemented with the forward Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) which highlight the expected impact of low carbon technology on the network (LCT) such as heat-pumps or electricity vehicles. The view demonstrated here represents a sample iteration of our evolving network capacity & load model - highlighting estimated peak usage against asset rating.
The Long Term Development statements provide information for anyone connecting to our distribution system at extra high voltage (EHV) level (including HV busbar of primary substations). It is designed to help to identify and evaluate opportunities for entering into arrangements with us relating to use of system or connection. Our statements include the following: network data; the likely development of our distribution system; plans for modifying the distribution system; and identification of parts of the distribution system that are likely to reach capacity limit in the next years. A long term development statement is available for each of our distribution network areas in central southern England and northern Scotland. Each statement has two sections, a summary (Part 1) and a detailed section (Part 2) both of which are available for download below.
The Long Term Development statements provide information for anyone connecting to our distribution system at extra high voltage (EHV) level (including HV busbar of primary substations). It is designed to help to identify and evaluate opportunities for entering into arrangements with us relating to use of system or connection. Our statements include the following: network data; the likely development of our distribution system; plans for modifying the distribution system; and identification of parts of the distribution system that are likely to reach capacity limit in the next years. A long term development statement is available for each of our distribution network areas in central southern England and northern Scotland. Each statement has two sections, a summary (Part 1) and a detailed section (Part 2) both of which are available for download below.
Shapefiles containing the geographical representation of the GSP and BSP approximate supply areas for SEPD & SHEPD. These areas are formed by aggregating the primary substation boundaries that are supplied by each BSP/GSP (also available on the portal).
Shapefiles containing the geographical representation of the Primary Substation Boundaries for SEPD & SHEPD. The primary substation areas are formed from Voronoi polygons based off the point locations of all the secondary substations fed by a given primary substation. This means that every point in a polygon is closest geographically to the assigned secondary substation. The secondary substation polygons are then dissolved with respect to the primary they are connected to form the primary supply areas.